
Solar / Security / Obscure film

Solar film protects your furniture, floors and curtains before you notice damage from the sun’s harmful rays. Reduces fading, heat and glare and blocks 99% of harmful UV rays.

Security film helps hold broken glass together and reduces the risk of glass related injuries. Meets GSA bomb standards. No broken glass enters the room more than 10 feet from the window or 2 feet above floor level. Eliminates “grab & go” burglary or forced break in.

Obscure film two has different options for privacy. With a frosted window film applied to glass it will make the glass opaque and totally obscure vision through the window day and night. Or one way privacy by having reflective or tinted window film applied. This works by reflecting light so during the day it gives a mirrored or tinted appearance while still allowing clear vision from the inside looking out. Frosted window film is also available in a wide range of patterns and designs.

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